To the Future, bring on the great unknown- I am ready to embrace it. I'm going to shed my old skin & make a change. Time to bring positivity back, and some bada$$ Fashion. Time to live life not dwell. Let's stop trying to change the things out of our control and concentrate on the things we can change. I'm starting with me.. choosing to be surrounded by positive energy and the people I love!!! Yes this includes me dancing and bowling at the same time in a dress in public! Hey at least I am being me! Come on Girl's you know the rules never dress down. Always dress up!
Must say the top of everyone's wish list is the color Emerald. If your a guy or girl grab it up fast because it's super hot this season. Next season you will see it everywhere!!! I doesn't have to be a dress or a coat. Grab a great medallion, set of earrings, some swanky shoes. Show the Wizard of OZ who's the fashion boss!
Today and forever I choose to change for the better. I am letting go of all the negative energy around me. Toxic people this includes you. To the toxic's, don't you have better things to do than cause drama? Maybe forgive, move on, give something to someone else ...just to be nice? Try helping others instead? It is so much more rewarding. Everyone needs help. Even the person you think has it all. Often I find when I am actually helping others I am healing and helping myself.
This is a hard topic. I am over people that are stuck on themselves. I use to be one of those toxic types & it's an absolutely miserable life. I will never go back to it. Being toxic basically means the world revolves around you, and you do whatever you want, say whatever you want, whenever you want. The saddest part is you get stuck with people just like you, and THEY don't care about you at all. Because they are completely self absorbed. And there is always another person they can latch on to besides you. These type of people won't be there to catch you when you fall. People who don't show grace, love, forgiveness, and kindness are the people I am talking about. I still think there is good in these people, who know's they might turn out to be outstanding individuals in the end. Who am I to judge? I just know that if their current actions are affecting you negatively they harmful to you, it's like eating a poisonous apple. When people are toxic chose not to trust or believe them. In my experience, I feel like all they want to do is simply use you, or put you down. My advice is don't gossip behind your friends back, if your hear or believe something disturbing from someone else about your friend confront them about it. DON'T BELIEVE everything you hear or read. People intentionally instigate drama to ruin people's friendships daily. Especially if there is no evidence, don't believe everything you hear or read. It's call friendship code. Call your friend and talk it out! Wow!
The grace of God has shown me a better way, ironically by living in harsh conditions and through though times. I choose and collect my friends by their actions. I think everyone gets a couple chances (let's be honest we all mess up, say things we don't mean, think without speaking, do careless things, especially the younger we are). But if a friend is worth fighting for then get up and FIGHT for them like a mature adults. Talk it out. Show grace, love, forgiveness, and if you get that from them in return you have found your true friends. THose are the kinds of friends that will be your family. Nevertheless, I have some pretty stellar friends, and I wouldn't trade them for gold. I know if I was in jail in Mexico they would come bail me out pronto. I would do the same for them. It's so wonderful to have friends you trust, friends that can house sit, dog sit, baby sit, have celebrations with, make memories with, do the holidays with, cry, and laugh with, to dance with, create with, inspire, and who you know will always have your back. It's time to consolidate those who matter in your life. Find out who your real friends are and why. I love my friends dearly. Shows like the Real Housewives, almost make it seem normal to only have fri-enemies. The world is getting more crazy by the minute. If your friend hurt you on purpose time to let them go. If your friend is like family, and you had a misunderstanding; I bet that neither of you truly intended on hurting one another. My motto make new friends but keep the old some are silver and the other gold.