Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Path to Recovery Begins (Hopefully)

Here's the latest on Rachelle:

We went to one of the post-op appointments yesterday and they took a few scans of what is left of her right lower jaw bone. They said they did not see anymore infection, but they still wouldn't know for another month or two if the Osteomyelitis had been totally removed.

The doctor said he was happy with the results of the surgery. He stated he opened her mouth up and took the bone all the way down to the nerve. He stated the bone was mushy and he is confident he found the "epi-center" of the Osteomyelitis in her mouth. He said we will not have any confirmation of anything until the cultures come back from her surgery. Either way, Rachelle's doctor wants her to remain on antibiotics and pain medicine until at least September 1st.

If the pain persists beyond that time, and they are unable to find an ongoing infection through various testing in San Antonio, then it could be something wrong with her nerves in that area as a result of all the trauma to her mouth. He stated the nerves could've been nicked during previous surgeries and we would have to go a different direction at that time.

The doctor said that if the infection does come back, then we will have to completely remove the jawbone and replace it with the titanium plate.

We are hopeful that the Osteomyelitis has been removed, but we truly will not know for a couple of months.

Presuming that the infection is gone and she is in the clear, we still have a long ways to go. Rachelle and I will have to fly back to Miami in December so she can have a bone graft on the right side of her face. They will remove bone and bone marrow from her hip to perform the bone graft.

We still have to check in with the doctor a couple more time before we leave, but hopefully we are at the beginning of Rachelle's path to recovery. It's been a long and tumultuous journey, and I know for certain that Rachelle is eager to get back on her feet.

Please keep Rachelle and her family in your thoughts and prayers and share her indiegogo fundraiser page @

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